Prices and Offers


Free Theory Test App


  • 10 hours block booking  £320**
  • Single lesson 1 hour £35.00
  • Pass Plus £175
  • 2 hour motorway lesson £75
  • Intensive courses 7, 10, 14, 21, 28


Terms and Conditions

** The 10 hour Bulk bookings must be taken as 2 Hourly lessons (unless you agree other wise with your driving instructor.

!Please note you will need to give your driving instructor at least 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel or re-arrange your driving lessons, if this is not given the payment for the driving lesson you cancel will need to be paid in full no matter what the reason.

!Please note any unused bulk bookings deals hours, will be refunded but charged at the current standard hourly rates for those already taken.